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Website Redesign: Learn from the Past

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Embarrassed to send potential clients to your  website?

Frequently we encounter people who did their first website under the assumption that websites were an “extra” that might bring in a little extra traffic or make information easier to find. The web is now unquestionably a primary source of information.

Design standards have risen, and a website is often the first and most lasting impression someone gets of your company

A lot of early efforts are causing more harm than good, and companies come to us looking for redesign. Our process begins by looking at what can be salvaged from the old site. We are sympathetic to clients who feel they have time and money invested in the old site even if it no longer meets their requirements. We will look for ways to leverage those elements that are transferable.

The website redesign process is similar to the original design process and may involve any or all of the following services: