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Webmaster Plan
Don’t let your website become old and embarrassing, sign up for our Webmaster plan.

Web and Content Management Solutions

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Once a website has been created and gone live, the information on it starts aging. Most users expect a website to be current. If they find information that appears dated, they may quickly go somewhere else. Keeping a web site current is challenging for most businesses that don’t have a full-time, in-house web department. But bad or dated information can cost a company in many ways. The solution you require for keeping your website current will depend on the volume and complexity of changes. The options we provide include:

Web Maintenance Plans - Four different packages offer a pre-paid block of hours for use each month. These hours can be used quickly and cheaply to make content changes as well as simple graphic and image changes to websites. The advantage of a Webmaster package is that it establishes an ongoing relationship between the client and Stratecomm. Stratecomm serves as a virtual web department for the client at a fraction of the cost. For our Webmaster clients, routine changes are done within 48 hours, while emergency changes can be done within 24-hours, depending on the complexity of the required modifications.

Content Management Systems (CMS) – Clients who frequently update websites and publish complex documents to the web will usually require a more robust content management system. Stratecomm uses an open source platform as a base to build a content management solution that can be as solid as an enterprise level system. Using a CMS allows many different users to author, edit, and post content. Permissions can be controlled, versions tracked, and archiving is done automatically. A good content management system will greatly help the actual content production process as well as simplify posting the results to the web.

For clients who prefer to do updates to specified sections of their website in-house, StrateComm will configure the site and set up the client on a well-known, industry-standard updating system. With a minimal amount of training, the client can make routine changes to designated text areas and images.